Wife: They liquidated everything.
They liquidated our ghetto, our ghetto. Not the other one.
The little ghetto...
And they would turn on big bulbs, huge lights. Nighttime there was such a shooting and screaming. And uh, you could count pennies on the floor, that's how many lights they had. Thousands of watts! We didn't come out and within a few minutes were shot. And the--some people couldn't make it, they came into the houses they shot 'em there. There were hundreds of people dead, buried there after the--we were, my uh, my mother and my sisters and my brother. Kids were lost, everything was pushing, nothing was, all disorder. That's what they really wanted. And uh, the--we had Jewish police, Kapos, they did not know 'til the last minute what was going to happen. They notify them to be there to help. Okay so, we were, the--when uh, there were two thousand people--first of all, they were, most of--"Left right, left right." The people had come, those cards, they were separated on one side, either to the right or to the left, one side.
So there was a selection already.
Yeah uh, as I later found out there were a thousand people selected. And the rest of them they sent by those uh, closed...
Wife: Cattle cars.
cattle cars. They pushed into a hundred or a hundred fifty in a car. Half of them died there. They were--they, they make there, they urinate there they-- there was no food. The Ukrainians were the, were a part of the mission and they were not better than the Germans. Terrible. Anyway, we found out later on they all went to Treblinka. And, uh...
Who in your family went?
Who in your family went? Didn't anyone in your family...
My father survived, went to the factory where I was working.
Wife: Just him and his father survived.
And I worked there 'til 1944. We were, we were in a concentration camp prior to--yeah, we were in a concentration camp and there were more people than us there. But most of them, the people were separated a...apart because they were working munition factory. They were working two shifts, twelve-hour shifts. Making guns. And uh, pistols, guns...
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