Photos of Erwin and Riva Baker and the Burko Family
Born: Izak Bebczuk,  Born: Rivka Burko (continued)

Nichim and Yidel Burko

6). Nuchim and Yidel Burko working on the
farm, or as Rivka referred to it, the fulvarok.

Zelda burko

7). Zelda Burko, Rivka's "worldly" sister, posing formally for a photograph.

Rivka, Joe Okell, and Zelda 8). Rivka, her cousin Joe Okell on a return visit to Mezeritsh, and Rivka's sister Zelda..

Shlomo and Chaya Rondal, Rivka's brother-in-law and sister 9). Shlomo and Chaya Rondal: Rivka's brother-in-law and sister. Had they followed through on their plans to immigrate to Argentina, they would have been spared from the Holocaust.

Bracha, Rivka's youngest sister


10). The "mezinkah" as Rivka called her youngest sister, Bracha (Buzia, for short), born nine years after Rivka.

Yidel Borko, Rivka's brother.

11). Yidel Burko, Rivka's brother.

Yidel Burko, Joe Okell, a friend, and Nuchum Burko

12). Sitting from left to right:
Yidel Burko and Joe Okell.
Standing from left to right:
a friend of Rivka's brothers whose name I do not know and Nuchum Burko.

Cousins Yidel and Joe



13). Cousins Yidel Burko and Joe Okell.