Photos of Steven Gershman's Trip to Ukraine, Summer 2005 (continued)

58). A picture of unity between the Mezericher descendants and the Ukrainian townspeople.



Shanah Tovah (Jewish New Year card) with the portrait of Rivka and Izak Bebczuk

59). Mary Zafran and Steven Gershman standing by the Wall of Honor.



Izak Bebczuk’s Jewish invalid card

60). The Wall of Dedication.

Rivka Bebczuk’s identification papers in Italy

61). Inscription on the Wall of Dedication: “This wall serves as an everlasting memory to the Jews of Greater Mezirich and surrounding areas who were killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust during two separate “actions” in 1942: on Shavuot, 5702 (Hebrew date) and on Succot, 5703 (Hebrew date). This wall is also dedicated to the memory of Jewish partisans and Righteous Gentiles from Mezirich and surrounding areas during World War II. Contributions for this wall were provided by Erwin and Riva Baker and Meziricher descendants from Israel, USA, and Canada. Dedicated July, 2005. Contents prepared by Holocaust survivor and Mezericher, Israel Zinman, the son of Yehoshua and B’racha.

Shmuelik (Sam) Honigman, a fellow Mezeritsher 62). Steven Gershman standing at the memorial marker in the old cemetery in Mezerich

Erwin and Riva Baker in the late 1970s

63). Inscription of additional marker at the old cemetery: "Memorial Tent-Shtibel. The steps and fence for the old cemetery of Greater Mezirich were funded by contributions from Erwin and Riva Baker, of blessed memory, Michigan, USA, and Meziricher descendants from Israel, USA, and Canada. Dedicated by Steven Gershman, Michigan, USA, July, 2005."