Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Alice Lang Rosen - August 5, 1991

Fate of Mother

Did you discuss your mother with him?

Yes, I've always tried but, um, see he was--with everything he went through it was still what they would call now that strict German standard. Children are to be seen and not heard and I was never included in a conversation or I was just there. I lived there, I ate there, I went to school and--but I was just over looked, so, so to speak. And um, you know, they, they, they had maids to clean and cook, I mean, they really had lots of money by, by then.

So he never volunteered information about what happened after you were sent away.

No, no, no. Whatever I know is what I heard--what I picked up from hearing from them talking, you know. I was never sat down and actually, you know, and of course, eventually I had to realize that my mother wouldn't come back. And when I was told he was going to remarry, actually I was very happy because to me it was, "Well, I'm going to have a mother." You see, it was always something missing in my life. But she was just as strict and straight as my father was, I didn't get dealt with much--very far with her but she claimed she loved me and everything. But her daughters were wonder...I mean, wonderful. If I would have been lucky enough to have blood sisters I couldn't have asked--to this day we're--we were sisters from day one. They're my sisters, I'm, I'm their sister--I'm their little sister to this day.

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