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Some diacritics do not transfer easily into HTML format. The Voice/Vision Project has made every effort to include as many diacritical spellings as possible, however not all may display correctly in your browser.
Map information
All Voice/Vision maps are created using Arcview GIS, made possible from a generous donation by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Not all maps are to scale. The purpose of these maps is to show spatial relationships between places, they are not to be used as navigational devices. International boundaries depicted in these maps are present-day, therefore, although specific places remain consistent, the countries where such places are located have changed in some instances.
Data contained in these maps is drawn from several sources, including:
- Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. ESRI Data & Maps, Disc 1. Redlands, CA, 1999.
- Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of the Holocaust. (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1993).
- Mokotoff, Gary and Amdur Sack, Sallyann. Where We Once Walked: A Guide to Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust. (Teaneck, N.J.: Avotaynu, Inc., 1991).
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Historical Atlas of The Holocaust. (New York: Macmillan, 1996).
PLEASE NOTE: The maps shown here are for illustrative purposes only and are not suitable for site-specific decision making. The data depicted is compiled from a variety of sources, thus this information is provided with the understanding that the conclusions drawn from such information are solely the responsibilities of the user. Any assumption of the legal status of this data is hereby disclaimed. Maps are not to scale.
Borrowing Video or Audio Interviews
Information for Patrons:
Video/Audio interviews and the accompanying transcripts can be borrowed through the Interlibrary Loan department of your local public, academic or special library. Please provide the following information to your library:
- Title of interview (this is also the name of the interviewee)
- Place published: Dearborn, MI: University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Year published
Please see the list of all the interviews for title and year published information.
Information for Librarians:
1. To Request via OCLC:
- Interviews are cataloged so that the interviewee's name is the main title (example: Erna Blitzer Gorman).
- When searching World Cat via First Search, you may retrieve a list of available interviews by performing a series search: Holocaust survivor oral histories.
- When searching OCLC via ILL module: Since a scan title search does not retrieve series titles, to retrieve a list of available interviews, perform a 3,2,2,1 title search (hol,su,or,h).
- Our OCLC symbol is EYD. Please see our NAD for policy information. We will lend Holocaust survivor oral histories at no charge to the library.
2. Send ALA ILL forms to:
Interlibrary Loan Department
Mardigian Library University of Michigan-Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Rd. Dearborn, Michigan 48128-1491
(313) 593-3284
(313) 593-5561 fax