Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Paul Molnar - July 24, 2002


About how large do you think your family was up to first cousins? Aunts.

Seventeen, to be exact.

Seventeen. So how many aunts and uncles did you have?

Well, I had uh, I had eight aunts and uncles. Oh but I, yes, I had eight. Well no, I had. That's not true. I had uh, ten aunts and uncles.

Ten aunts and uncles, you and your parents and you had a brother?

Wait a minute.

So sixteen?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Yeah, that's right. There were seventeen of us.

Cousins, first cousins?

I had cousins. I had uh, let's see. Everybody had one child, so. Should be one, two, three, four, five cousins.

So maybe twenty, twenty-five people. So how many people survived?

Even, not even that many. It was less than twenty really. Uh, I was the only one who-no, that's not true. Of the people deported. See, only seventeen were deported. Uh, my father and one of my uncles uh, were never deported. Seventeen were actually, who were deported. Of the seventeen, I'm the only one who came back. Nobody came back who was deported.

And you all went to Auschwitz.

We all went to Auschwitz, the same day. And some died instantly.

In the camp.

At, at-either. They were killed on the day they got there. And others uh, died while being in different camps.

Do you remember the Arrow Cross party?

Oh yes, very well.

When was the first time you became aware of it?

Well, even you know, even as a child uh, there were people wore these uniforms and they taunted you on the street and they made anti-Jewish remarks. But it wasn't uh, it's wasn't an everyday occurrence. But you were very much aware that these are very, very bad people. But they were also uh, uh, not out of the educated class or. They were really, they were like the rubble, lowest class people. So uh, they were not in the government.

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