Can we back up just a little bit, back to the ghetto, in Radom? Could you just tell me what the conditions were like? I mean, obviously...
I really remember so little, I don't know why I don't remember that part.
Yeah. Was there a...
I uh, as far as food I think...
Did you get food?
We had, because of the store.
They took away a lot from us. But as far as food we didn't have a problem, no.
Was it--what were the sanitary...
Was it rationed? I don't remember, yeah.
Sanitary conditions like? Was it...
Not--in the ghetto it was fine because we were res, responsible for it. We had the store and we had a house, and we cleaned it, you know.
No, that was fine.
Do you remember the ghetto police--the Jewish police in the ghetto ever?
A few.
Guy--Jewish police.
Gieger, Minsberg, Tershanbaum. One was very bad, he was hitting my dad--and I forgot what happened to him. I forgot the policemen that I thought they're gonna kill after the war, the Jews.
He was a Jewish policeman that beat your father?
Yeah. Oh, terrible. I forgot his name though.
Husband: Was it Blizyn?
No, in Radom. He, he was hitting father. Did he...
Husband: ???
No. This particular one, and people said that they're gonna kill him if they'll make the war. Make the war--and he did live through the war, they gave him a problem, they didn't kill him, I don't know. I forget a short name, it doesn't matter.
So when you went back to your parent's house after they were gone, did you just--just look around, and just realize...
I didn't want to go in either. That's it, that's the end. I don't know. That's it. And my grandma went with them, she lived in the same apartment, not with us but where we lived. Grandpa died, during the war. Thank god, really.
Just--natural causes?
Uh, the sanitary department came in to check the store.
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