Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Esther Feldman Icikson - October 23 & 29, November 5 & 12, 2001

News About Atrocities

And there were no others, no, no Jews that were coming into the town, carrying the stories.

No. You know, I, I don't remember that. I think the reason was that we lived in a difficult time ourselves. Uh, food it was very scarce. Uh, in Russia you can--you're not free to talk in those days, I don't know about today. But in 1943, and uh, you were not at liberty to, to say much or, or to talk freely. So you concentrated on the daily events uh, where to find something to eat, where to find a place to live, where to find a little piece of soap to wash up. It was a luxury. You know what it means to have a piece of soap? Sometimes we would go without food and save that little bit of money so my mom could be able to buy a piece of soap so we can wash up. Uh, these were such uh, special things. A little sugar. You, you couldn't find that, I mean. So you were so preoccupied with your own survival that uh, I don't think that anyone concentrated on what's happening in Poland at the time.


Yeah, or any place for that matter. You, you concentrated on surviving and planning how to get out of the mess.

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