Mr. Szczasny.
Mr. Szczasny, our Mr. Szczasny.
Who was a teenager, yeah, I see.
As a teenager.
They had--by the--in the middle of the--of--on the center of the--of, of the yard, they had a trough with water you know, to, to, to feed--you know, to water the horses and the cows. That's where he dunked him. He caught Mr. Szczasny and dunked him into the water. He says--and after that, there was no more throwing of rocks...
...on the tin roof ???. And uh, when, when I--when my mother told me--she told me here in Oak Park, already, about this...
You think that made the, made the difference?
What? No.
Mr. Szczasny's behavior?
Trying to make up? I doubt it very much.
But the connection was--oh, no, no, no. It should have created animosity, or a...
...or a resentful...
..."Damn, you caught me and dunked me in the trough."
Was he religious?
Mr. Szczasny.
Um, nah, no, no. He just--he went to church sometimes.
But it wasn't because of some religious...
Religion? I don't know. I don't know.
Just--do you think it was just...
I would have loved to talk to him.
Do you think it was just because he had this fellow feeling for human beings?
I think all the people that we went to was that--they would not commit murder, okay? That was the number one. But they...
I don't think committing murder...
It's one thing to commit murder and it's another thing to just risk your family's life just to ???.
Yeah. ??? it's not another thing, it's a--it's a big, a big separation, isn't it?
Well, he would not betray us, let's put it that way. He would not go and tell somebody you know, I have Jews here, go and take them. I doubt it very much. We were--before we went to Mr. Dvorjak on Martynovka. Before we went to Mr. Dvorjak on Martynovka, we were in another village, adjacent, called Dombrovka.
Ah, that I did see.
It's some--no--pardon?
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