So we arrived I don't know how many days we went to Auschwitz. And there they took us down and they started to separated. We had with me my grandmother, my father's mother. My father was only child. His older brother died in the first war--he was eighteen years old--so my father was the only child. My grandfather died in Czechoslovakia. He was eighty-three years old with cancer--that was my father's father. My mother's parents were lucky. They died home. And uh, but my grandmother she came with us and I was holding her. She was a old lady. And she said, "Please, I want to go with you, please." And they took her just--so they separated us and they took her. We never see her anymore. So we were still five of us. I think my aunt with the twins she went with a separate train.
How old were the twins?
I think they are old.
They were small children.
Yeah. And that was my mother's sister and she, she bore twins in the toboggan. And the doctor pulled out pieces from her. Two little boys. That's why ??? always, you have this and you have that. I always think about those twins.
They were born on the transport?
The two of them. Two they were born, you know, the two. And you know how--what they did with twins in Auschwitz.
You didn't...
And ??? those two kids.
I mean, you don't really know what happened to them. You just...
I know what happened because they were, uh, so they burned them right away, but twins they took separate and they, they made all kind of--how do you--research.
Medical experiments.
Yeah. And uh, ??? So sh...we never see them anymore. In Auschwitz when we arrive, they separated my mother and Edith to the left--that was to crematorium--and to the right, they to work.
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