Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Zivia Fischler - February 4, 2008

Feelings on Experience II

ZF: And um, we also went in an old castle-here, I have a picture of it here. This is me, ??? and ??? in front of this castle. This is, this is where the boarding school was. Very romantic place and that's me...

[interruption in interview]

ZF: ...that's me during that period. It um, it was a difficult period, it was a difficult period. It was very cold and I had chilblains and I was very lonely. It was loneliness. The other kids had uh, they had letters from their parents, they had parcels or what-and we had very little.


ZF: I had a cousin-I always thought this was-maybe it's a bit sentimental but it's true. I had another cousin in, in, in London. She, she came as a worker across. She actually-she's the daughter of this uh, uh brother of my-sister of my-came from Vienna. She was in England and she worked as a, as a, as a maid at the beginning. That was the only way she could leave there but eventually she stopped that and uh, she was a designer. I mean, she was a very good designer-a dress designer. Anyway, when I came to London she brought me her dress I remember and uh, she once sent me a parcel with a pink uh, coat, you know, like I said little things. You didn't have any money-little things. But I used to go to bed with it. You know, take it-something personal, something, uh...

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