Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Zivia Fischler - February 4, 2008

Working in London

What kind of work did you do?

BS: Hmm?

What kind of work did you do?

BS: I worked in a factory, a factory; nothing special. We did parts for the army and also toys and things like that, all kinds of things. It was a, a, a Jew who came, originally came from Russia and I worked for him. It was okay, was not too bad. I wasn't exactly happy there but...

Did you go back to school?

BS: Hmm?

Did you go back to school?

BS: No. I didn't go back but I learned a lot. First of all I, I was a-I read a lot of books in English and I- books, the books I once read in German I now read in English and that's the way I...

ZF: Learned the language.

BS: ...taught myself English, yes?

And who were you living with?

BS: Hmm?

Who were you living...

BS: I, I lived alone but eventually I had friends-two, two of my friends, also Jewish, from, from, from Germany or near-one of them was from Czech and the other one was from Berlin and he was half German and they lived in the same building. That was in um, where was it? It was in Belsize, Belsize Pa...Park, Belsize Park. And uh, we got on very well. We were good, good friends. But we, uh...

Were, were these also Kindertransport children?

BS: Hmm?

Were these also Kindertransport children?

BS: If they were in the Kindertransport I'm not sure that they-can-they, they-I think that they did come in-I don't know which, I don't know which one.

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