I came to a little town, Varėna. Uh, in Polish used to, they call 'em Orany. In Lithuanian they call 'em Varėna. It was uh, burned up, bombed, the place. And I went--it was so dry, Tues... Tuesday, I want a drink. And then uh, one woman, and I... Was a, was a well. And I put in the... a pail to get some water with. The pail was burnt. Before I pull out, the water runs out. And I, and I want a drink uh, I couldn't get any water. Then a woman comes out. She said to me, "You want a drink? In Lithuanian. I said, "Yes." She says, "Come over here, I'll give you a drink." I came to her and she start to talk to me in Lithuania. She said, "Maybe you can speak to, to me in Polish or Russian". I said, "I can speak uh, Polish and Russian, I can speak Yiddish too." She talk, uh, and she start to talk to me in Yiddish. And then she took me in and she give me some water, she give me food. And from the beginning I don't trust her. I was afraid for her. Then she introduced me to her brother. Uh, the bro... her brother was a communist from before. And he was talking to me, from the beginning I don't trust nobody of them. Then uh, they uh, I see... Looks to me they are straight people, like according with my experience, they're, they're straight. And then I start to talk to them more freely not to be afraid. Then they told me they got some Jews not far from down there to, maybe they let me in to stay. I stay overnight uh, two nights down there. And then I saw Germans, they are coming, going. They ask uh, for eggs and chickens down there. They ask for eggs and that lady said she don't have any eggs. They took a stick and killed the chickens. Because no, no eggs, no chickens. It was laughing.
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