Textile, material, textile factory. And they redone that and put three bunks in, in each room. It was big rooms and they put three bunks in there. Graeditz, we worked...we were going every day, getting up at four o'clock in the morning. Snow up to my knees, up to my pupak sleeping. We walked away, I slept as I, I stretched out my hand and slept and walked. And when somebody-- when they stopped in the front, it banged into my hand, I knew they stopped. That's how I woke up. Walking and sleeping. Uh, over there I start feeling my, my downfall. I start feeling my, my body couldn't take anymore. This was a filthy, dirty place. I didn't have time to wash, to go down to the washroom. You know, you go down and wash yourself and--no time. Got up in the morning, run, get a cup of coffee. Get a piece of bread for two days. I ate up in one day. Next day I didn't have anything. Just the soup when we came home from work. Soup ate up and that's all. And we went to work, we walked through a train station, it was a box car and they transported us to a place where I worked. It was Telefunken place, worked at a, a, a radio place. Telefunken. At the factory I dug uh, I was digging ditches, put some pipes in on the outside of the factory. I used to go into the factory um, for certain things we used to go inside too. But we were watched all the time, constantly watched. We worked there for, uh...
[interruption in interview]
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