Do you ever talk about your experiences very often?
Well, it's all depends on. Not, not, not too many times. You don't want to bring some of the old wounds out.
Do you suffer from any physical illness as a result of your experiences in, during the war?
Well, some depressions sometimes.
Do you have nightmares?
Oh, not, not at this stage now but used to.
Do you think about it a lot?
Oh, sometimes.
Does--do the memories ever interfere with, with your life now? Does it ever keep you from doing something or does it ever get you so depressed that you don't want to do anything?
Oh, that's--that all depends. Sometimes, as I said, depression is the most, most thing what, what happens sometime when you think about your parents and you know.
Uh, When did you eventually uh, get married?
I got married in 1951--'54.
How did you meet your wife?
How did I meet my wife?
Well, actually, my wife is uh, in the family sort of. Uh, her mother and my mother were first cousins and when I came out, I meet her before I went into the service. And, I corresponded with her for the last two years. After I got out of the service, we was going together about a year and we got married.
And now you have uh, two children?
That's correct. I have a son and a daughter.
Very handsome son and a good looking daughter, I might say.
That's correct. Thank you.
Alex, we finished the interview in terms of what I want to ask you. I, I appreciate you spending the time doin' this. I know it's never easy and uh, uh, what, what you have a very, very important story to tell and I appreciate you uh, doin' this for us.
All right.
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