And when was your daughter born?
Nineteen fifty-two. So my wife she, she got--she came out with spots of the lungs, you know.
From the war, she was in the camps too. So we all up--made a application to come to the United States. So the, the health authorities didn't let her through in ' '54. So we have to wait. So we had a Swedish doctor and he said "I'm going to see to it that you eventually because you--" he knew, he was very educated, he knew. He said that, "The war just priorities people who, who have to tuberculosis not to come in, but you never had tuberculosis." And he fought with the American health authorities for two and a half years...
...'til, 'til she got the papers to come here. He never wanted to take a penny. "Ah, you want to give me something," he said, "bring me some flowers." So we came over here and that's the way we--my daughter's married now, she has two, two children. You see, this is my daughter.
Very pretty girl.
And this is the two girls. Oh, this is when she went out from the house and now she is thirty. She lives in West Bloomfield. I never got rich in the United States, but I am not complaining.
What kind of job do you have here?
I work with Gold-Star.
For where?
For Gold-Star products, a restaurant supply house--a shipping department. But I am not complaining.
Oh your daughter lives in West Bloomfield?
She's, how long has she been there?
She's been married for five years. This is, this is my daughter here behind you.
Oh nice.
Yeah. So if you have to stay--if you have to survive you will survive everything.
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