Do recall hearing any talk or anything while you were all together there? What did the adults feel? What did they...
Um, there was a lot of fear. There was a lot of conversation that maybe we should retreat with the Russians. There was other conversation probably leave everything and, and, and go. Uh, I, I know one of my mother's aunts, her husband wanted to retreat with the Russians to, to--not to remain there and I don't know how it happened but I know that he--he didn't and uh, she died with her kids. I think she was killed. Yeah.
Yes. Do you remember when the ghetto was formed in Berezne?
I couldn't, I couldn't get any dates. I only remember that--excuse me--that it was sometime after the Germans occupied. I don't know whether it was a month or whatever. I do remember there must have been a few months--quite a few months before they assembled us and, of course, where grandpa live--his, his brother, also, lived not too far away and his family and they assembled them and then there was my Uncle Usher. He had a house there and--but they assembled all of the people from the different farms and villages that were surrounding--that were living in these surrounding villages which would be maybe ten kilometers away or fifteen kilometers away or twenty kilom...they surround--they got all of these people and they took them into, into ghettos.
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