Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Esther Feldman Icikson - October 23 & 29, November 5 & 12, 2001

Immigration to America

You're in New York, something besides lipstick must have impressed you.

Um, I couldn't believe that there is such a big world out here. The buildings, the noise, the movement. I'm--here I'm a grown up person, mind you, I'm not a little girl anymore. I, I've gone through the world. I mean, I've traveled. By now I speak already three languages or four. I've met many a people in my life already. Um, I've made a lot of friendships. It is so different. Oh my God, is it ever different. Um.

Nothing like it.

Um, I'm a little nervous. I look around, so big, overwhelming. I can't understand a word. I speak very, very, very little English. I can say please and thank you. Uh, it was a, a new experience. I mean, so different, so different.

Were you frightened?


No. Just--you were worried.

Um, I, I was mostly worried about I don't know the language and what am I going to do. I knew I can't go into a bank and sit down and work, you see. Um, I think this was my biggest concern. Because I knew my daddy can't support us all. You know, we lived, now we're living, my parents lived with my sister together and she has two children. She got divorced unfortunately. And uh, and my brother, my younger brother and I'm coming in with my older brother. And you know, you, you have to be able to support yourself, you have to be able to take care of yourself. I don't know the language. This was a big concern for me.

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