Yeah, okay.
So anyway. So my brother tells Yerushka, "What we, we can't go back to this man. This man strictly, he says, no matter how much you'll give him he'll want more. You won't have nothing to give him pretty soon." So he says, "Okay," he says, "I have one other alternative." He says, "I have a gentleman that works for me. He's a young married man with two little kids," He says, "he's very poor. He works for me all during the summer months. He has a house way out on a field with no other houses close by." He says, "If he would agree to keep you, you, that would be a safe haven for you. There's no neighbors. There's no neighbors for miles." So he talked to this gentleman, which his name is Primas--was Primas. And this Primas agreed. He was also very, very uh, he was a nice man. Even though Yerushka used to take care of him financially, but also he did it also because he had a good heart. And he told him, he says, "I have two boys, their father was a very close and dear friend of mine. I'm trying to save these two boys." And he agreed. And he took us in. And we were--he had a potato cellar in his house. We used to be in a potato cellar, sometimes in a barn. And at night he, we would come out and he. It was a one room house and he had two little girls. And the, all, six of us slept in this little room. It was warm. And he ke...kept us there until the end of the winter. I really don't know exactly--it was already late in the winter when we got to him. Maybe it was March. But it--over there it didn't get warm like here. And uh, the winter didn't break actually 'til May. So he kept us. And as soon as spring arrived--this is already uh, say end of April of uh, uh, '43, we went back into the woods. Same routine. And uh, we met up again with uh, I think, that man with the little girl. And my brother was young and foolish and he used to talk and tell him where we were and how we're doing and all that, which was a big mistake, which we paid for later. And we--same routine as I told you before. We were in the forest and we saw often, these bandits used to come around, hit people, take whatever we--little we had away from us. So on and so forth. Uh, but we had to be thankful that they didn't kill us, they didn't, you know. They were just bands of uh, hooligans. And when the, the winter arrived again in, say, in uh, end of October of '43, we went back to Mr. Primas. Uh, during the summer months, I think, my brother claims we used to run into him at times at Mr. Yerushka's house when we used to come for food. And made plans with him that he would take us back as soon as it gets cold. And he took us.
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