Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Zivia Fischler - February 4, 2008

Thoughts on the British II

ZF: I had good memories of them, I had caring-for example I was ??? school in this school that I was and there some of the teachers were Welshmen-Welsh women-Welshman. There were two or three Jewish teachers and they taught Bible and uh, language a bit, more history and they were the teachers. They taught mathematics and English literature so, whatever. And um, he used to-I was also a reader. I loved to read and he used to bring me ??? books from his home, you know, to supply, I mean, we had no-he knew there was nobody who would buy me a book or bring me a book, he brought me books. I found that very ni...I found it-I remember it to this day, I mean, it was something unusual. And there was again-when I was in uh, Newcastle-at the end I was in Newcastle with my cousin, I went to a school and then I told them that I was going to Palestine now so the headmistress there-she was very-she came, she pulled me to her room, she said she wanted me very much-she wants me to write to her, to stay in touch with her, she's very interested and so forth. There were many cases of decent behavior, you know, caring sort of uh, I uh, and, and when I, when I came to, to Palestine and the British were here and the country was very, very anti-British, of course, at that time. I couldn't be a part of it. So, I went to school and I went to the, the Reali that's one of the best schools in Haifa and they wanted me to join the scouts, scouts it might have been but everything was so political at that time against the British, against this, for this and I couldn't be part of it. They saved my life; I can't go and fight them. They were decent. So, again I was an outsider. They say this was the story of my life being an outsider. That's it.

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