Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

Zivia Fischler - February 4, 2008

Hearing about the Holocaust

And you were moving around all the time so it must-would've been hard to get together.

ZF: No it was very diffi...the only time that I met him is when I came down, you know, this was a boarding school and it was a Jewish school boarding school so on Pesach they used to send the kids home, for example-not all of them because it wasn't, it wasn't possible but who...whoever could take children for, for the holidays would take them so sometimes we came to somebody in London. I had a, I had a cousin in London and an aunt in London-they were all part of this clan-and we would be there for a week or something like that and then Baruch because he was in London he would also come, you see? That's the, that's the time I would be able to seem because the otherwise it was impossible.

And when did you hear about what had happened to the Jews during the war?

ZF: Well, we read the papers.

After the war?

ZF: Not after the war.


ZF: Al...already during the war. I mean, start-reports started coming in, in '44...

BS: Forty-four.

ZF: Yeah, '44.

BS: Nineteen-forty-four we are already we heard. Unbelievable. You know, at first everybody denied it. They couldn't believe this sort of thing had happened, done by a people so-of such a high culture. German people were always considered most, most cultural people in the world and uh, it was unimaginable what these things people did.

Same with you?

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