No, I don't remember. Um, okay, our, our work, okay--our food consisted of, let's see, it was our daily thing--that's the morning. Then you're going to the barrack. You're taken for--some days you didn't go anywhere, you just sat there. Um, you'd be allowed to walk around a little bit outside. Uh...
You could just wander around outside?
It--well, you're fenced off.
You're totally surrounded by barbed wire, electrified fencing. The electricity is there when the new transports are being brought in.
Could you walk to the next barrack?
Oh, okay. For instance, okay, we're talking about, this is a whole camp--imagine a street.
At the beginning of the street there is a, there is a, a small building, and there's Gestapo and the watchtowers...
...are right above you. And it's locked.
It's a high iron gate. Don't go out. Uh, the road is a dirt road on the two sides of the road, of the camp road--it's up, it's two ditches...
...at the beginning. Uh, one side there's a kitchen, on the other side is a, a--at one time they had the two kitchens working and there's supply rooms. And the barracks start up, oh, let's say about hundred yards from the...
...entrance gates there. Hundred--two hundred uh, I'm not good at describing. And the barracks are--for instance, take a carton of cigarettes and line 'em up and give space between each and these are your barracks. At the end of the, the road, the camp street...
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